How can I force update the Python locals() dictionary of a different stack frame?


In Python 2 (not sure about 3), the locals dictionary only gets updated when you actually call locals(). So e.g.


fails because l doesn't have the key "x" in it, but


returns 2.

I'm looking for a way to force an update of the locals dictionary, but the trick is that I'm in a different stack frame. So e.g. I'm looking to do


and I need to write the force_update() function. I know that from said function I can get the parent frame via inspect.currentframe().f_back, and even the parent (non-updated) locals via inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals, but how can I force an update?

If this seems convoluted, my main goal is to write a function which is shorthand for "{some} string".format(**dict(globals(),**locals())) so I don't have to type that out each time, and can instead do fmt("{some} string"). Doing so I run into the issue above.

Edit: With Martjin answer below, below is essentially the solution I was looking for. One could play around with exactly how they get the stack frame of the callee, here I do it via partial.

from functools import partial
from inspect import currentframe

fmt = partial(lambda s,f: s.format(**dict(globals(),**f.f_locals)),f=currentframe())
print fmt("{x}") #prints "2"
Martijn Pieters

Simply accessing f_locals on a frame object triggers the copy, so using inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals is enough.

See the frame_getlocals() function in the frameobject.c implementation:

static PyObject *
frame_getlocals(PyFrameObject *f, void *closure)
    return f->f_locals;

PyFrame_FastToLocals is the function used to copy the data from the interal array tracking locals values to a dictionary. frame_getlocals is used to implement the frame.f_locals descriptor (a property); see the frame_getsetlist definition.

The PyFrame_FastToLocalsWithError function used above is exactly what locals() uses to produce the same dictionary (by wrapping the PyEval_GetLocals function).

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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