Hovering over 1 div to change content in another

Callum McLeod

I posted this last week and tried everything but still cant get it working. I will post a link to my code pen (images aren't loaded in so you wont see it but you can check out the code and see what I've messed up) In the end I am trying to hover over #market and it change the content in colc (or any col for that matter) to a different image. in the head you will see my attempt but it isnt working. Thank you for any help you can provide. :)



$('#market').hover(function () {
  $('#colc').css('content', 'url("_img/images/blue3.png")');

Professor Abronsius

Given the HTML layout, as taken from the linked to codepen snippet:

<div class='rowmonitor'>
    <div id='cola'></div>
    <div id='colb'></div>
    <div id='colc'></div>   
<div class='rowblock'>
    <a href='graphic.html'>
        <div id='graphic'></div>
    <a href='web.html'>
        <div id='web'></div>
    <a href='market.html'>
        <div id='market'></div>

In the CSS of the pen you have

#market:hover ~ #colc

As you found out, this selector will not work for the structure of HTML that you have. There is no previous sibling type selector - ~ is for accessing the following element. To accomplish the switching of background images ( weirdly using the content attribute rather than background-image ) you'd need to resort to javascript of some flavour or other. The following demo uses vanilla javascript and might, or might not, offer help - should be easy to modify to use your images rather than images from the interwebs.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
        <meta charset='utf-8' />
        <title>Change DIV element content on hover over another element</title>
            body *{display:block;box-sizing:border-box;}

            .rowmonitor > div,
            .rowblock > a{width:33%;float:none;clear:none;margin:1rem; padding:0.25rem;}

            .rowblock > a > div{padding:1rem;width:100%;height:3rem;}

            /* randomly selected source images */

            /* more randomly selected background images */

            .rowblock > a > div{background-size:100%!important;background-repeat:no-repeat!important;background-position:center}
            document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', e=>{

                let matrix={

                /* get reference to the targets whose background will be changed */
                let cols=Array.prototype.slice.call( document.querySelectorAll('.rowmonitor > div') );

                /* further populate matrix with initial content images */
                cols.forEach( function( div ){
                    /* this will store: url( https://www.example.com/img.jpg ) */
                    matrix[ this.id ]=getComputedStyle( div ).content;

                /* assign event listeners to each source rowblock > a element */
                Array.prototype.slice.call( document.querySelectorAll('.rowblock > a') ).forEach( a => {

                    /* change the images on rollover */
                    a.addEventListener( 'mouseover', evt=>{
                        cols.forEach( div=>{
                            /* explicitly set the url property */
                            div.style.content='url(' + matrix[ div.id ].over + ')';

                    /* restore the images on rollout */
                    a.addEventListener( 'mouseout', evt=>{
                        cols.forEach( div=>{
                            /* as we stored the url property can set directly */
                            div.style.content=matrix[ div.id ].out;

        <!-- other html content -->

        <div class='rowmonitor'>
            <div id='cola'></div>
            <div id='colb'></div>
            <div id='colc'></div>   
        <div class='rowblock'>
            <a href='graphic.html'>
                <div id='graphic'></div>
            <a href='web.html'>
                <div id='web'></div>
            <a href='market.html'>
                <div id='market'></div>

        <!-- more html content -->


Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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