How do you unit test a binding with a different name in an Angular 1.5 component?

Daniel Smith

I have the following component:

    .component('searchInput', {
        bindings: {
            text: "<query"
        templateUrl: 'components/searchInput/searchInput.html',
        controller: 'SearchInputCtrl'

For the following to pass:


I have to use the following code:

    var component = $componentController('searchInput',
        {$scope: {}},
            text: 'bar'

However, I want to test that the value being bound to 'text' is being sourced from 'query'. This does not work:

    var component = $componentController('searchInput',
        {$scope: {}},
            query: 'bar'

You can test this sort of thing by compiling the component. e.g.

inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
    var parentScope = $rootScope.$new();
    parentScope.myVar = 'test';

    var element = angular.element('<search-input query="myVar"></search-input>');

    var compiledElement = $compile(element)(parentScope);

    var scope = compiledElement.isolateScope();


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