Posting form with XmlHttpRequest/ajax alters payload

Bercovici Adrian

I want to Post a form using Ajax/XMLHttpRequest to a ASP NET Core Controller.
If i simply Post the form it gets the data right in the Controller but when using XMLHttpRequest the fields of my model get defaulted:

I have included my in my code below 2 forms: -one form that simply Posts to the url specified in the action attribute, and the other that calls a method and Post-s with XMLHttpRequest.


<!DOCTYPE html>

        window.submit = function () {
            var form = document.getElementById("delegate-form");
            var data = new FormData(form);
            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

            var content=form.getAttribute('Content-Type');
            var method=form.getAttribute('method');
            var action=form.getAttribute('action');
            xhr.onload = function () {
                if (xhr.status == 200) {
                else if (xhr.status != 200) {
                    reject("Failed to submit form with status" + xhr.status);


    <div id="Form-without-ajax">
        <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="http://localhost:8300/api/bulk">
            <input type="text" name="Name" value="aa" />
            <input type="text" name="ID" value="13"/>
            <input type="file">
            <input style="align-content: flex-end" type="submit" />

    <div id="Form-with-ajax">
        <form method="POST" id="delegate-form" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="http://localhost:8300/api/bulk">
            <input type="text" name="Name" value="ab" />
            <input type="text" name="ID"  value="33"/>
            <input type="file">

        <button onclick="submit()">Submit with delegate</button>




    public class Data {
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int ID { get; set; }

.NET Controller

    public async Task TestBulkAsync(Data data) {
        //data has Name=null and id=0 when using the XMLHttpRequest

P.S I am using multipart/form-data because i want to attach some files too besides that model.And i need a handler like in my case submit because i need to perform additional logic before submitting the form.


Normally, if you pass a FormData object to XMLHttpRequest, it will generate the Content-Type header (which will be a multipart request with a specific boundary attribute) from the FormData object.

Here, you are overriding the Content-Type with one you are determining manually … and you are omitting the boundary attribute. The server then doesn't know where the boundaries are and everything breaks.

Don't override the Content-Type.

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