Two different mappings to ONE XML output file


I'm working on a talend job where I have a excel file and a couple of database fields that gets mapped to an XML file.

The working job looks like this:

enter image description here

Problem: I want to, with the same input of the excel file and the database fields, make another mapping that outputs to the same working XML file mentioned ealier. So I will have ONE XML file with TWO different mappings. How can I achieve this?

Update I have done this mapping: enter image description here

which in the end gets exported like this: enter image description here

but I'm unsure on how to use this mapping in the tAdvancedFileOutputXML


If I understood correctly, you want to have a single XML file containing two different XMLs (the second one appended to the first one). In the shown Job add a OnSubJobOk link to point to a duplicate of your document flow which has a different mapping. In the second flow rather than using tFileOutputXML component to write the XML file, you can use the tAdvancedFileOutputXML with Append Source XML File marked to add to the file generated from the first flow. Also make sure to configure the XML tree. Check the following link for further information


Hope this helps.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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