Is PHP @ safe for checking array values ?


I'm working on arrays or objects with many optional fields. I'm trying to check field values without getting a PHP error, which lead me to :

$name = isset($revision['data']['name']) ? $revision['data']['name']: null;

or (with Laravel)

$name = isset($revision->data->name) ? $revision->data->name: null;
$name = isset($revision->data->name) ? $revision->data->name : 'default';

Is it safe in this specific case to use :

$value = @ $revision['data']['name'];
$value = @ $revision['data']['name'] ?: 'default';

If not, what would be a nicer way to handle these values ?

Thanks !


It's safe in the sense that it will prevent errors from reporting, however I wouldn't say it is good practice. It's more explicit when you see isset over @, mostly because the code is telling me up front that it's checking for if the array index is set.

Another alternative is to use Laravel's array_get if you don't mind pulling in their helper functions. In this case, you'd have: $name = (array_get($revision, '')) ?: null; as Laravel's helper will return null automatically for unset indexes. You can also manually set a default value array_get($array, '', 'default');

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