Overwriting the same row with ajax


I have the following ajax and php files to enter data to my current mytable table. The below codes work together perfectly fine as they are.

Ajax file:

<script type="text/javascript">

  function insertData() {
    var stata=$("#stata").val();
    var statb=$("#statb").val();
    var statc=$("#statc").val();

            type: "POST",
            url: "update.php",
            data: {stata:stata,statb:statb,statc:statc},
            dataType: "JSON",
            success: function(data) {
            $("p").addClass("alert alert-success");
            error: function(err) {





$stmt = $DBcon->prepare("REPLACE INTO mytable (stata,statb,statc) VALUES(:stata, :statb,:statc)");

$stmt->bindparam(':stata', $stata);
$stmt->bindparam(':statb', $statb);
$stmt->bindparam(':statc', $statc);
  $res="Data Inserted Successfully:";
  echo json_encode($res);
else {
  $error="Not Inserted,Some Problem occur.";
  echo json_encode($error);


What I'd like to do is to overwrite the same row (update or replace)in the table ( like where id=1) every time I enter the data.

But when I add "Where id=1" to the sql query, I get [object Object] error on the screen. I couldn't make it work any way I tried. How can I overcome this problem? thanks.

Martin Heralecký

If you want to update the row (not replace it), use UPDATE instead of REPLACE.

UPDATE mytable SET stata = :stata, statb = :statb, statc = :statc WHERE id = 1

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