Using Countifs to count distinct values and multiple criteria?


I am trying to count how many brands a certain client has passed through. I essentially have two columns a client list and a brand column.

In some cases, there may be duplicates of the brand so I only need to count them once.

I have tried to use several variants Countifs/Sumifs formulas but to no success.

Totally lost and would appreciate any help Example



Try: =SUMPRODUCT(--(COUNTIFS($A:$A,$D2,$B:$B,$H$1:$H$10)>0))

enter image description here

You'll need to make a helper column which contains all the brands (no duplicates). The only thing that should change in the formula is $D2, which is the Client in question. So it will become $D3, $D4, etc.

Collected from the Internet

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