How to add pagination in Restangular and Django Rest Framework?


In DRF I have added pagination limit to 100 'PAGINATE_BY': 100, since Restangular expects results in array form, I had to use the below meta extractor function in my angular app module

var app = angular.module("myapp", ["restangular"].config(function(

  RestangularProvider.setResponseExtractor(function(response, operation, what, url) {
    if (operation === "getList") {
        var newResponse = response.results;
        newResponse._resultmeta = {
            "count": response.count,
            "previous": response.previous
        return newResponse;

    return response;

and my controller looks like

app.controller('DataCtrl',function($scope, Restangular){

    var resource = Restangular.all('myapp/api/dataendpoint/');
        $scope.records = data;

Meta info is not available in controller, how do I paginate if there are more than 100 records available?


I suppose you could simply call:

RestangularProvider.addResponseExtractor(function(data, operation, what, url, response) {
  if (operation === "getList") {
      data._resultmeta = {
          "count": response.count,
          "previous": response.previous
      return data;

  return response;


var page = 2;
var resource = Restangular.all('myapp/api/dataendpoint/');
resource.getList({page: page}).then(function(data){
  console.log( ? 'there is more pages' : 'You reach the end');

I'm not usual with Rectangular but Django Rest Framework support pagination from query parameter

Collected from the Internet

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