How can I extract data from JSON?


I am calling a GET request to an api which should return an JSON with longitude, latitude and addresses.

I am trying to get the addresses into an ArrayList and place them into a Spinner. I successfully retrieve the whole JSON but when I try to take only the addresses I get this error:

W/System.err: org.json.JSONException: Value 1 Chester Street, , , , , 
Coventry, West Midlands at 0 of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to 
    at org.json.JSON.typeMismatch(
W/System.err:     at org.json.JSONArray.getJSONObject(
    at com.example.vladu.carpark.LocationActivity$getJsonData.onPostExecute(
    at com.example.vladu.carpark.LocationActivity$getJsonData.onPostExecute(
    at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(
    at android.os.AsyncTask.access$600(
    at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
W/System.err:     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

The code that is causing the problem is:

    protected void onPostExecute(String response) {
        if (pd.isShowing()){
            jsonObject = new JSONObject(response);
            jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("addresses");
            //jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0);

            for(int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++){
                jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);

            Spinner addressSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;

            addressSpinner.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(LocationActivity.this,

        }catch(JSONException e){


EDIT: This is the whole JSON I am expecting:

    "latitude": 52.24593734741211,
    "longitude": -0.891636312007904,
    ["10 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "12 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "14 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "16 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "18 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "2 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "20 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "22 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "24 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "26 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "26a Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "26b Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "26c Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "26d Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "28 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "2a Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "30 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "32 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "36 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "38 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "4 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "40 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "40b Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "42 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "44 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "46 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "48 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "50 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "8 Watkin Terrace, , , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 1, 6 Watkin Terrace, , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 1, Watkin Court, Watkin Terrace, , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 2, 6 Watkin Terrace, , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 2, Watkin Court, Watkin Terrace, , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 3, 6 Watkin Terrace, , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 3, Watkin Court, Watkin Terrace, , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 4, 6 Watkin Terrace, , , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 4, Watkin Court, Watkin Terrace, , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 5, Watkin Court, Watkin Terrace, , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 6, Watkin Court, Watkin Terrace, , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 7, Watkin Court, Watkin Terrace, , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 8, Watkin Court, Watkin Terrace, , , Northampton, Northamptonshire",
    "Flat 9, Watkin Court, Watkin Terrace, , , Northampton, Northamptonshire"]
Alvaro De la Cruz

You're trying to get a json object from string array.

Instead of this:

    for(int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++){
        jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);

Try this:

    for(int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++){
        String spinnerElement =  jsonArray.getString(i);

Collected from the Internet

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