How to create an array of objects based on values of another array of objects?

Arjun sr

I have 8 players ab,cd,ef,gh,ij,kl,mn,op their match data is stored in an array of objects


I want to get the top player from the above match data.The Top player is the one who is having the highest win rate

winrate=(number of matches won/total number of matches played)*100

And also want to get the array of objects which look like,


How can I do this?

Nitish Narang

You can loop though data and create new array for each winner/looser adding in 1 if wins else 0 if looses. Then calculate percentage of wins from new array object.

matchData = [

let tempRes = {}
for (let d of matchData) {
  let { winner, looser } = d
  tempRes[winner] = (tempRes[winner] || []).concat(1)
  tempRes[looser] = (tempRes[looser] || []).concat(0)

let res = [], topPlayers = [], topValue = 0
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(tempRes)) {
  let winPercent = (value.reduce((a,b) => a + b) / value.length) * 100
  res.push({ [key]: winPercent })

  winPercent == topValue && (topPlayers.push(key))
  winPercent > topValue && (topValue = winPercent, topPlayers = [key])

console.log('Top Player ', topPlayers)
console.log('Result ',res)

Collected from the Internet

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