adding end values in a multidimensional array


I have an array with the following structure.

Is there a function which can combine elements together, summing the totals?

Thanks for any pointers on how to achieve this. I've included a section of the array here, and then lower down the hopeful result.

I can achieve this via creating a second array as I reinterate over a php mysql query, but this doesn't feel like a very efficient way of doing things.

    [1] => Array
            [Y01MA] => Array
                    [O] => Array
                            [F] => Array
                                    [1] => 4
                                    [2] => 6
                                    [3] => 1

                            [M] => Array
                                    [1] => 5
                                    [2] => 5


                    [P] => Array
                            [F] => Array
                                    [2] => 4
                                    [3] => 6
                                    [4] => 1

                            [M] => Array
                                    [1] => 1
                                    [2] => 4
                                    [3] => 5



            [Y01MB] => Array
                    [O] => Array
                            [F] => Array
                                    [1] => 7
                                    [2] => 2

                            [M] => Array
                                    [1] => 11
                                    [2] => 1
                                    [3] => 1


                    [P] => Array
                            [F] => Array
                                    [2] => 3
                                    [3] => 6

                            [M] => Array
                                    [2] => 3
                                    [3] => 9
                                    [4] => 1




Ideally what I would then end up with is something like this

Array ( [1] => Array ( [O] => Array ( [F] => Array ( [1] => 18 [2] => 2 [3] => 0 [4] => 0 )

                [M] => Array
                        [1] => 23
                        [2] => 0
                        [3] => 0
                        [4] => 0


        [P] => Array
                [F] => Array
                        [1] => 1
                        [2] => 11
                        [3] => 7
                        [4] => 1

                [M] => Array
                        [1] => 4
                        [2] => 11
                        [3] => 8
                        [4] => 0


Jakub Matczak

You need a recursive sum of array.

You can achieve this by a recursively reducing array using array_reduce function.

function sumRecursive($carry, $item) {
        return array_reduce($item, 'sumRecursive', $carry);
    return $carry+$item ;
$sum = sumRecursive(0, $arr);

Here's example working code:

Other way would to be utilize RecursiveArrayIterator and RecursiveIteratorIterator to iterate over the first one. ;-)

$sum = array_sum(
        new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
            new RecursiveArrayIterator($arr)

Working code:

Collected from the Internet

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