Tk Text widget - get new size in lines and chars

Colin Macleod

When you create a Tk Text widget you can specify its size as -height and -width measured in lines and characters in the default font.

If the widget later gets resized, I want to read the new size in lines and chars, but I can't see how. I'm not changing the font at all. Binding to the <Configure> event will report the new size in pixels in %h and %w. Doing cget -height or cget -width just reports the originally configured line and char sizes. Is there a way to detect the new size in lines and characters?

Brad Lanam

You can take the width in pixels and make an estimate:

set width [expr {round($pwidth/[font measure TkTextFont 0])}]

Height would be something like:

set height [expr {round($pheight/[font metrics TkTextFont -linespace])}]

Substitute TkTextFont with the actual font that is used.

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