Javascript regex special character not working


I have a string:

for (;;); {
  "__ar": 1,
  "payload": null,
  "jsmods": {
    "require": [
      ["ServerRedirect", "redirectPageTo", [],
        ["https:\/\/\/p\/dl\/download\/file.php?r=100028316830939&t=100028316830939&j=11&i=5823694&ext=12121516&hash=AaBVNURld6wrKBcU", true, false]
    "define": [
        ["KSConfig", []

I try to regex this to be:

I've used

var results = $(document).find("pre").html();
var regex1 = new RegExp(/["\w\.\/\;\?\=\-\&\\\\"]/);
var resultsReplace = regex1.exec(results);

but it is not working.

Can anyone help me, please?


Assuming it is always URL and the delimiter is always " we can use a much simpler regex here, like:


So we looking for a string starting with http with any following characters except " since the match string never can get one because this is a delimiter.

LMK if cases are wider (not an url, may not start with http, etc.) and I'll adjust regex.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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