Swift - How to convert a swift array to NSArray?


I have the following class

class Game {
// An array of player objects
    private var playerList: [Player]?

I want to enumerate through the playerList; this requires to import Foundation then cast it to a NSArray; but its always complaining that it can't convert it

 func hasAchievedGoal() {
        if let list:NSArray = playerList {


        for (index,element) in list.enumerate() {
            print("Item \(index): \(element)")


Cannot convert value of type '[Player]?' to specified type 'NSArray?'

I've tried:

if let list:NSArray = playerList as NSArray

What am i doing wrong?



You don't need to cast to NSArray to enumerate:

if let list = playerList {
  for (index,value) in list.enumerate() {
    // your code here

As for your cast you should do it like this:

if let playerList = playerList,
    list = playerList as? NSArray {
  // use the NSArray list here

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