iOS - Not able to access Static method of swift class


I want to access Swift code in Objective-c.

I have written one class in swift which contains static method. I want to access that Static Method in objective C Class.

Here is Class declaration:

@objc class LocalizedResource: NSObject {

    * @discussion This function will get localize string for key

    * @param key Localize key
    * @return String for locaized key
    * @code LocalizedResource.getStringForKey(key);
    static func getStringForKey(key:String) -> String    {
        let frameworkBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
        let value = frameworkBundle.localizedStringForKey(key, value: nil, table: nil)
        return value;

I have made following settings for it:

  1. Product Module Name : MyProject
  2. Defines Module : YES
  3. Embedded Content Contains Swift : YES
  4. Install Objective-C Compatibility Header : YES
  5. Objective-C Bridging Header : $(SRCROOT)/MySources/SwiftBridgingHeader.h

Also I have added @Obj before my class declaration in Swift class.

I have import MyProject-Swift.h in the .m file where I want to access that method.

But when I am trying to access it, it is not allowing me to access that static method.

Is any one having solution for it? Is there something missing?


Martin R

From your comment:

I am calling this method as follows:

errorMessage.text = LocalizedResource.getStringForKey(@"TIMED_OUT_ERROR");

In Objective-C, the "dot syntax" is used for properties, not for methods. The correct call should be

errorMessage.text = [LocalizedResource getStringForKey:@"TIMED_OUT_ERROR"];

Collected from the Internet

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