MongoDB Roles - user access multiple databases


I would like to give acces to a user to 2 databases in MongoDB.

I tried this, but it only give access to the admin db.

use admin;
    createUser: "myuser",
    pwd : "mypwd",
        { role: "readWrite", db: "db1" } ,
        { role: "readWrite", db: "db2" } 

I tried to create the user on each db, but i end up with 2 users: user@db1 and user@db2

Any suggestions?

Markus W Mahlberg

Users can basically be saved in any database, which is why you can provide --authenticationDatabase on the command line tools, for example.

Taking the example for the cli, your command line should look something like this

mongo yourhost:yourport/db1 -u myuser --authenticationDatabase admin -p


mongo yourhost:yourport/db2 -u myuser --authenticationDatabase admin -p 

respectively, where you obvisouly have to substitute yourhost and yourport for actual values.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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