Smallest part in Partition in Quick Sort with some conditions?

Mio Unio

Let 0 < a < 0.5 be some constant. We have an n-element array as input. Randomized quicksort chooses one element from array uniformly at random as a pivot and partitions. With which probability the smallest section be greater than an. my short answer in note say with probability 1-2a. anyone could say how this probability calculated?


The size of the smaller partition is evenly distributed in the range [0, n/2], so the probability that it will be smaller than an is an / (n/2). So the probability that it will be larger than a is 1 - an / (n/2). an/(n/2) is precisely 2a, hence the probability 1 - 2a.

Here's a diagram, in case it helps:

                     Pivot positions

                a·n    n/2            a·n+n/2   n 
                 v      v                v      v
                     /---^---\                    /---^---\
              smaller partition on left   smaller partition on right
                   bigger than a·n              bigger than a·n
                   size: n/2 - a·n           size: n - (a·n + n/2)
                             Total size: n - 2a·n
                              Probability: 1 - 2a

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