Modify list items in Ansible / Jinja2

Thomas Steinbach

For instance you have a list variable in your role...

  - one
  - two

... and want to modify each item within Ansible (e.g. append a string before/after), you can...

Thomas Steinbach

... do the trick by creating following two variables in your Role's vars/main.yml file (or at every other place where vars could be defined):

interim_string: "{% for item in myitems %}with-{{item}}X {% endfor %}"
result_list: "{{ interim_string.split() }}"

The resulting result_list now contains following values:

- with-oneX
- with-twoX

Mention the whitespace after the x when defining interim_string. It is used for splitting the interim_string into a list again. You can split by another char or sequence (e.g. split('#')). However this would result in an empty list item at the end of the result_list.

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