Travis CI works correctly, but Coveralls doesn't see the builds


I have a repository on Github, a PHP Symfony app with a PHPunit test suite (, and Travis CI is correctly checking the build every time I push (

I linked to a Coveralls account to my Travis and Github account, and I configured my .travis.yml file this way:

language: php

  - 5.5
  - 5.6

  - composer self-update
  - composer install

  - mkdir -p build/logs
  - phpunit -c app/phpunit.xml.dist

  - bin/coveralls -v

and I put this lines in my phpunit.xml.dist:

    <log type="coverage-clover" target="build/logs/clover.xml"/>

but Coveralls stills says that there have been no build (

What am I forgetting?


The problem was that with that phpunit.xml.dist configuration the clover.xml file was created in /app/builds/logs/clover.xml. So I changed phpunit script in .travis.yml this way:

phpunit --coverage-clover build/logs/clover.xml -c app

so the file is generated correctly in /app/builds/logs/clover.xml, and Coveralls now works fine.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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