Replace port in url using python

murali koripally

I want to change the port in given url.

OLD=http://test:7000/vcc3 NEW=http://test:7777/vcc3

I tried below code code, I am able to change the URL but not able to change the port.

>>> from urlparse import urlparse
>>> aaa = urlparse('http://test:7000/vcc3')
>>> aaa.hostname
>>> aaa.port
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: expected a character buffer object
Benjamin Hodgson

It's not a particularly good error message. It's complaining because you're passing ParseResult.port, an int, to the string's replace method which expects a str. Just stringify port before you pass it in:

aaa._replace(netloc=aaa.netloc.replace(str(aaa.port), "7777"))

I'm astonished that there isn't a simple way to set the port using the urlparse library. It feels like an oversight. Ideally you'd be able to say something like parseresult._replace(port=7777), but alas, that doesn't work.

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