Entity mapping to DTO with DI with MapStruct

Ahmad Abdulaziz

I am new in mapstruct and I am using spring as DI I follow up MapStruct documentation page regarding DI containers section 4.2 I tried to map my entity to dto as below :

@Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface CustomerMapper {
@Mapping(source = "registered",target = "activeProfile")
CustomerDto customerToCustomerDto(Customer customer);

when i run mvn install i got this error :

java:27: error: No property named "registered" exists in source parameter(s).
@Mapping(source = "registered",target = "activeProfile")

my entity using lombok and I am sure there is registered field

please help

Ahmad Abdulaziz

I removed lombok from Entity and created setters /getters manually and worked well

Collected from the Internet

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