Why does my Ubuntu 20.04 installation sometimes hang on booting?

Krisztián Balla

Sometimes (I would guess in about 25% of the cases) my new Ubuntu 20.04 LTS installation freezes during the boot process.

These are the last messages that are shown in the console when this happens:

[  OK  ] Started Snap Daemon.
Starting Wait until snapd is fully seeded...
[  OK  ] Finished Wait until snapd is fully seeded.
Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service...
[  OK  ] Finished resolvconf-pull-resolved.service.

When I press Ctrl + Alt + Del to initiate a reboot. The system is going down, but displays the following message:

[  *** ] A stop job is running for Light Display Manager (35s / 1min 30s)

This is quite unusual. I haven't seen this message before. I don't know if the two things are related.

Does anybody have any ideas what could be the problem here and how to fix it?


This can sometimes happen when there is a conflict between systemd and the Intel display drivers. I haven't seen this particular issue for years, but you should be able to fix it with a little workaround:

  1. create a file as root named /etc/sysctl.d/50-coredump.conf
  2. Paste:
  3. Reboot

This should resolve the issue.

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