React-native + mobx how the Index.js should look like


im trying to integrate Mobx(I´m new to Mobx to be honest) to my existing react-native project and one big question I have is how should the indexfile look like?

mine is looking now like this:


import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import App from './../App/App';

AppRegistry.registerComponent('AppName', () => App);

but some tutorials told me that it should look like this:


 {a bunch of imports here...}
   <Provider store={store}>
     <App />

but i dont get the second one running.

so my question is how should the index.js look like?


The AppRegistry.registerComponent accepts a function which returns a component, so it should work if you have that component render the Provider.

const Root = () => (
  <Provider {...stores}>
    <App />

AppRegistry.registerComponent('AppName', () => Root)

Collected from the Internet

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