Assign a function as a class method


I want to pass only valid parameters to a function ("read_excel") I tried the following code but getting an error...

import pandas as pd
expected_keys=['io', 'sheet_name','header', 'names', 'index_col', 'usecols', 'squeeze', 'dtype', 'engine', 
               'converters', 'true_values',  'false_values', 'skiprows', 'nrows', 'na_values', 'parse_dates',
               'date_parser', 'thousands', 'comment', 'skipfooter', 'convert_float']

def safe_read_excel(self,  *args, **kwargs):
    if set(kwargs.keys()).difference(set(expected_keys)): 
        raise ValueError('invalid parameter found')
    return self.read_excel(f_name, *args, **kwargs)

pd.safe_read_excel = safe_read_excel

When I use the default "read_excel" method a dataframe is created...

df= pd.read_excel('sales_summary.xlsx', header=0)

But my custom method throws an error...

df= pd.safe_read_excel('sales_summary.xlsx', header=0)

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'read_excel'

How do I assign my function as pandas method?


That's because you are writing your safe_read_excel function as a method of a class, while it is a "normal function" (or static method).

In practical words, you do not need self:

def safe_read_excel(f_name,  *args, **kwargs):
    if set(kwargs.keys()).difference(set(expected_keys)): 
        raise ValueError('invalid parameter found')
    return pd.read_excel(f_name, *args, **kwargs)

I changed the first input of the function from self to f_name and changed the return to pd.read_excel

Collected from the Internet

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