Issues with rendering the data in the state of react component

yetunde okunola

enter image description hereI am trying to setState of two different sate(options1 ad options2) in my component with data gotten from firebase. The data in the state of the component is to be used for a dependent drop-down. I have been able to setState with the new firebase data(I know this because I see that the state of my component is the data from my database using the react developer tools). However, the data is not being rendered on the dropdown. Is there something I am doing wrong or should be doing.

class Impairement extends Component {
      constructor() {
        this.state = {
          name: "React",
          selectedOption: {},
          selectedOption2: {},
          options1: [],
          options2: []

      componentDidMount() {
      //firebase fetch
      getnewData() {
        var rootRef = firebase
        var opt = [];
        rootRef.on("child_added", snapshot => {
            value: snapshot.val().value,
            label: snapshot.val().label

        var rootRef = firebase
        var optio = [];
        rootRef.on("child_added", snapshot => {
            label: snapshot.val().label,
            link: snapshot.val().link,
            value: snapshot.val().value

          options1: opt
          options2: optio

      handleChange1 = selectedOption => {
        this.setState({ selectedOption });

      handleChange2 = selectedOption => {
        this.setState({ selectedOption2: selectedOption });

      render() {
        const filteredOptions = this.state.options2.filter(
          o => === this.state.selectedOption.value

        return (
            <p>Select Domain</p>
            <p>Then Subdomain</p>

    export default Impairement;

You have to setState inside your event function

currently you're not doing it, those events are asynchronous so when you do setState now, the arrays are empty

rootRef.on("child_added", snapshot => {
     let element = {
            label: snapshot.val().label,
            link: snapshot.val().link,
            value: snapshot.val().value
    this.setState(prevState => ({ options1: [...prevState.options1, element]  })
// notice I store the second reference in another variable
rootRef2.on("child_added", snapshot => {
          let element = {
            label: snapshot.val().label,
            link: snapshot.val().link,
            value: snapshot.val().value
       this.setState(prevState => ({ options2: [...prevState.options2, element]  })

furthermore, I think you can rewrite the code a bit because you're using the same variable with two different instances of the same event. But this at least should solve your initial problem

Collected from the Internet

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