MVC and fail AJAX call

Oleg Sh

I have a controller method:

    public async Task SaveRouting(string points, int tripId, decimal totalMileage)
        if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
            await _serviceTrip.UpdateTotalMileageAsync(tripId, totalMileage);
            throw new Exception("Only ajax calls are allowed");

so, as we can see, this method returns Task, so nothing to client. But if something wrong (i.e. totalMileage is less or equal 0) I want to return 422 status code and dictionary with invalid data, like: { "totalMileage" : "Total mileage should be greater than 0" }

How to do it? I try to do it:

            if (totalMileage <= 0)
                Response.StatusCode = 422; // 422 Unprocessable Entity Explained

but how to describe an error?

Timothy Macharia

If you want to describe the error after setting Response.StatusCode, then you have to write into the body of the http response by calling Response.Body.Write(byte[],int, int). Therefore, you can convert your response message to a byte array using the following method:

public byte[] ConvertStringToArray(string s)
    return new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(s);

And then use it like this:

byte[] bytes = ConvertStringToArray("Total mileage should be greater than 0");
Response.StatusCode = 422;

But you can further simplify this using extension methods on ControllerBase

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