Create a new column by comparing set of column values


How can I group a set rows by 'product_id' from a table and create a new column by comparing a set of column values within the group ?

For example,

product id   part_id  availability
1            1        true
1            2        false
1            3        true
2            1        true
2            4        true
2            8        true

By comparing the 'availability',I would like to create a 'feasibility' column. If single part is missing it would't be feasible.

product_id  feasibility
1           false
2           true

I used GROUP BY clause to sort'em out by product_id but I can't figure out the second part.


There is a very simple solution available, if you are only interested in the two columns shown in your question:

select product_id, min(availability) feasible
from tbl group by product_id

See here for a little demo:.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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