User-icon at top left corner in Ubuntu 20.04


Is there some way to get rid of the 'user (home) icon' in the top-left corner of my Ubuntu 20.04 screen? Clicking on it just duplicates what I get when opening the Files management application which I keep in the Dock since I use it so frequently. Having recently upgraded from Ubuntu 18.04, I don't mind the Trash icon near the top-left corner but this new icon seems redundant. Is there some added advantage to it that I haven't discovered?

PJ Singh

GUI Option

  1. Launch the "Extensions" app.

  2. Click on the settings (gear) icon next to "Desktop Icons".

  3. The Desktop Icons configuration dialog will appear.

    Note: If you don't see "Extensions" app, you can launch the Desktop Icons configuration dialog using the command:

    gnome-extensions prefs desktop-icons@csoriano
  4. On the dialog, toggle the "Show the personal folder in the desktop" switch.

enter image description here

Command-line Option

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Enter the following command

     gsettings set show-home false
  3. Press Enter

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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