Why I am able to change member of an object which is passed as constant reference?

class Student {
    int age;
    char *name;
    Student(int age,char*name) {
        this->name=new char[strlen(name)+1];
    Student(Student const &s1) {
        this->name=new char[strlen(s1.name)+1];
    void display() {
        cout<<age<<" "<<name<<endl;
int main() {
    char name[]="abcd";
    Student s1(10,name);
    Student s2(s1);

I have passed s1 as a constant reference but I am able to change s1.name[0] and the program compiles successfully. Why I am able to change s1.name[0]?enter image description here


You did not modify s1. You modified some unrelated memory block (allocated by new) , to which s1 holds a pointer. In C++ there is no special relationship between a raw pointer and any memory block it might happen to be pointing to.

If you use std::string instead of raw pointers and manual memory management then this problem will not arise.

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