Laravel : How can I change default indexing key length in morph table

Dattaraj Mahajan

I have table "invoice_relations" which is morph table. So in migration I wrote :


But it gives error while running migration as,

Syntax error or access violation: 1059 Identifier na
me 'invoice_relations_invoice_relations_id_invoice_relations_type_index' is too long in /var/www/html/st/sales-tantra/vendor/doctrine/dbal/

J. Doe

Change your


To this:

$table->morphs('invoice_relations', 'invoice_relations_morpf_key');

Or this:

    $table->index(["invoice_relations_id", "invoice_relations_type"], "YOUR_INDEX_NAME");

But I think name for polymorphic relations name ends 'able', for example relationable.

Collected from the Internet

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