Run function only on index.html page (Javascript)


I have a function that runs a random word generator on my index.html page, it works just fine however it continues to run when you're on any other page as well (because of windows.onload).

I am unsure how to write javascript to say "only run this function on index.html, no other page" or "just on this class"

window.onload = function refreshWord()
  setInterval(function randomWord() {
    const words = ['Engineer', 'Developer', 'Illustrator', 'Cyclist', 'Artist'];
    const randomGenerator = Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length);
    document.getElementById('textswap').innerHTML = words[randomGenerator];
  }, 2000);
        <div class="col">
          <h4>These are the words, a <span class="front-page-text-swap" id="textswap"> person </span>.</h4>

My end goal is to have the function refreshWord() execute only on the index.html page and no other however I'm at a loss at how to do that (and I'd like to use vanilla js, not jQuery)


Check to see if the pathname is index.html, and if it is, create the interval:

if (window.location.pathname === '/index.html') {
  setInterval( ...

It would also be nice to only select textswap once, rather than every time the interval runs, and to only create one words array, rather than declare a new array every time:

if (window.location.pathname === '/index.html') {
  const words = ['Engineer', 'Developer', 'Illustrator', 'Cyclist', 'Artist'];
  const getRandomWord = () => words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)];
  const textswap = document.getElementById('textswap');
  setInterval(() => {
    textswap.textContent = getRandomWord();

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