Object property assignment with destructuring?


I'd like to use ES6 destructuring to assign properties of an object, but can't figure out the syntax.

<= ES5:

var dst = {};  // already in existence, with its own props, methods, etc.
var src = { a: 'foo', b: 'bar', c: 'baz' };
dst.a = src.a;
dst.b = src.b;

>= ES6 (my own made-up, not-working syntax):

let dst = {};
let src = { a: 'foo', b: 'bar', c: 'baz' };
dst[{a, b}] = src;

Is it possible to use destructuring assignment onto an object? What's the correct syntax?

EDIT: In my use case, dst is an object that existed well before needing to merge a subset of src's properties; it is not a new Object created solely to 'borrow' from src.


I think you’re going to have to repeat dst:

({a: dst.a, b: dst.b} = src);

Collected from the Internet

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