Pandas: create rows for each unique value of a column, even with missing data


Note: I had difficulty wording the title of my question, so if you can think of something better to help other people with a similar question, please let me know and I will change it.

Current Data

Stored as a Pandas DataFrame


week | site | vol
1    | a    | 10
2    | a    | 11
3    | a    | 2
1    | b    | 55
2    | b    | 1
1    | c    | 69
2    | c    | 66
3    | c    | 23

Notice that site b has no data for week 3


week | site | vol
1    | a    | 10
2    | a    | 11
3    | a    | 2
1    | b    | 55
2    | b    | 1
3    | b    | 0
1    | c    | 69
2    | c    | 66
3    | c    | 23

Essentially, I want to create rows for all of the unique combinations of week and site. If the original data doesn't have a vol for a week-site combo, then it gets a 0.


Using stack with unstack

  site  week  vol
0    a     1   10
1    a     2   11
2    a     3    2
3    b     1   55
4    b     2    1
5    b     3    0
6    c     1   69
7    c     2   66
8    c     3   23

Collected from the Internet

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