Spring Boot - How to specify an alternate start-class? (Multiple Entry Points)

The Gilbert Arenas Dagger :

I want to add an alternate entry point to my Spring-Boot application. I would prefer to keep this as a fat jar. Is this possible?

According to their documentation, the property loader.main specifies the name of the main class to launch.

I tried java -jar MyJar.jar --loader.main=com.mycompany.AlternateMain but the start-class specified in my pom.xml was still run (and if I remove this from the pom.xml then I error during the packaging).

Alternatively, I tried java -cp MyJar.jar com.mycompany.AlternateMain but I don't know of a good way to add all the nested jars to the classpath.

Any suggestions?

Edit: Here is the solution that I used

As jst suggested, I changed my launcher to use the PropertiesLauncher. I did this by modifying the configuration of my spring-boot-maven-plugin.


The <layout>ZIP</layout> triggers Spring Boot to use the PropertiesLauncher.

I created my fat jar (mvn package) then called the alternate main like this:

java -jar -Dloader.main=com.mycompany.AlternateMain MyJar.jar

Thanks for the help!

jst :

I don't believe that property would apply in your case. There are 3 different "Launchers" (go back to the docs and see). If you are building a jar it uses the JarLauncher class. If you switch it to PropertiesLauncher then loader.main would be useful.


Main-Class: org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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