transform list of object into object


I have input list of object,

{"id":1,"name":"USD - US Dollar","country":"US","created_at":"2018-05-28 
14:54:24","updated_at":"2018-05-28 14:54:24"},
{"id":2,"name":"TH- Thai Bat","country":"TH","created_at":"2018-05-28 
14:54:24","updated_at":"2018-05-28 14:54:24"}

I want to transform into , anyone please guide me.

{"US": "USD - US Dollar","TH": "TH- Thai Bat"}

Use reduce to turn an array into a single object:

const input = [
{"id":1,"name":"USD - US Dollar","country":"US","created_at":"2018-05-28 14:54:24","updated_at":"2018-05-28 14:54:24"},
{"id":2,"name":"TH- Thai Bat","country":"TH","created_at":"2018-05-28 14:54:24","updated_at":"2018-05-28 14:54:24"}

const output = input.reduce((a, { name, country }) => {
  a[country] = name;
  return a;
}, {});

Collected from the Internet

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