How to passing the parameter to event handle in reactjs


I have created a component

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import AppStep from '../common/AppStep'
import { ButtonDropdown, DropdownToggle, DropdownMenu, DropdownItem } from 'reactstrap';

class Step2 extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.togglePhoto = this.togglePhoto.bind(this);
        this.selectPhoto = this.selectPhoto.bind(this);

        this.toggleDoc = this.toggleDoc.bind(this);
        this.selectDoc = this.selectDoc.bind(this);

        this.state = {
          dropdownOpenDoc: false,
          dropdownOpenPhoto: false,
          valueDoc : "រូប​ថត",
          valuePhoto : "រូប​ថត"


    toggleDoc(event) {
          dropdownOpenDoc: !this.state.dropdownOpenDoc
      selectDoc(event) {
          dropdownOpenDoc: !this.state.dropdownOpenDoc,

    togglePhoto(event) {
            dropdownOpenPhoto: !this.state.dropdownOpenPhoto
    selectPhoto(event) {
        dropdownOpenPhoto: !this.state.dropdownOpenDocPhoto,

    renderForm() {
        return (

            <form className="needs-validation"  name="loan-info" noValidate method="POST" action="/">
              <hr className="mb-4"/>

              <div className="row">
                  <div className="col-md-6 mb-3">            
                    <div className="btn-group">

                        <ButtonDropdown isOpen={this.state.dropdownOpenPhoto} toggle={this.togglePhoto}>
                                <DropdownToggle caret>{this.state.valuePhoto}</DropdownToggle>
                                        <DropdownItem onClick={this.selectPhoto}>ថត​ថ្មីពី​កាមេរា</DropdownItem>
                                        <DropdownItem onClick={this.selectPhoto}>ដាក់​រូប​ដែល​មាន​ស្រាប់</DropdownItem>

                    <div id="photo-placholder">
                        <img className="img-placeholder-photo"  src="holder.js/312x225"/>

                        <div className="custom-camera" id="camera-photo">
                          <img className="img-placeholder" src="img/kanel.png"/>

                        <div className="custom-file" id="upload-photo" >
                          <input type="file" className="custom-file-input" id="photo-input-file" aria-describedby="fileHelp" required />
                          <label className="custom-file-label" htmlFor="photo-input-file">
                          <div className="invalid-feedback">
                              អ្នក​ចាំបាច់​បំពេញ ជ្រើសរូបថត


                  <div className="col-md-6 mb-3">            
                    <div className="btn-group">
                    {/* Render another dropdown list */}

                    <ButtonDropdown isOpen={this.state.dropdownOpenDoc} toggle={this.toggleDoc}>
                                <DropdownToggle caret>{this.state.valueDoc}</DropdownToggle>
                                        <DropdownItem onClick={this.selectDoc}>ថត​ថ្មីពី​កាមេរា</DropdownItem>
                                        <DropdownItem onClick={this.selectDoc}>ដាក់​រូប​ដែល​មាន​ស្រាប់</DropdownItem>


I want to add more dropdown list which has difference display,I don't want to copy the same functions , anyone could guide how can just pass the params and handle its output.



Assuming I am correct at this comment, I believe you can solve your problem with event.currentTarget. This is a vanilla javascript thing, here is the documentation.

Essentially, event.currentTarget always refers to the exact element that raised the event. So it will always refer to the specific dropdownlist that raised your toggle event.

Note, do NOT confuse with event.currentTarget. has varying results; because, the element it can refer to can change due to things like event bubbling.

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