How do i Replace every n-th character x from an String

Tolga Yasar

My Question would be how can replace every 3rd ';' from a String a put a ',' at this position ?

for eg.:

String s = "RED;34;34;BLUE;44;44;GREEN;8;8;BLUE;53;53"

so that the String looks like:


I tried to solve it like this but i can't take a charAt(i) and replace it with an other char.

int counter =0;
for (int i=0;i<s.length();i++){
    if(s.charAt(i) == ';'){

    if(counter ==3){
    counter =0;

Joop Eggen

Normally some own effort is demanded from the question, but regex is hard.

s = s.replaceAll("([^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*);", "$1,");

A sequence of 0 or more of not-semicolon followed by semicolon and such.

[^ ...characters... ] is some char not listed.

...* is zero or more of the immediately preceding match.

The match of the 1st group (...) is given in $1, so actually only the last semicolon is replaced by a comma.

Collected from the Internet

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