how to get summation of pair(key) values in a map in java?

Abdel-Rahman El-Feraly

I have a map which represents a matrix of string-int that maps to a value:
static Map<Pair<String,Integer>, Integer> wordTopic = new HashMap<>();

I want to get the summation of values that has a specific string (a part of the pair) not the whole pair Pair<String,Integer> AKA the summation of one row.

Example: the matrix

string/int 1 2 value1 13 26 value2 11 22

i want the summation of row values of string "value1" ..output should be =39

I have found this: Integer integerSum = wordTopic.values().stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum(); but this will get me the summation of the values of the whole key AKA the whole matrix ,i want the summation of the row only..any hints?

Ousmane D.

You can create a function as such:

int getSummationOfValuesByKey(Map<Pair<String,Integer>, Integer> map, String key) {
          return map.entrySet()
                    .filter(e -> e.getKey().getKey().equals(key))

which given a map and a key will return the summation of the values where the Pair's key is equal to the provided key.

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