Powershell, DataTable, ExecuteReader, zero rows returned by a query

Piotr L

I use the following PowerShell function to run an arbitrary SQL query against an SQL Server instance, then return whatever data is there:

Function ExecSQLReader([string] $sqlText) {
    $cn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $cn.ConnectionString = "Data Source={0};Initial Catalog={1};Integrated Security=SSPI;" -f $fc.server,$fc.database
    $cmd = $cn.CreateCommand()
    $cmd.CommandText = $sqlText
    $cmd.CommandTimeout = 60
    $resTable = New-Object("System.Data.DataTable")
    try {
        $result = $cmd.ExecuteReader()
    } catch {
        "=======ERROR in ExecSQLReader========" | DoLog
        "Message: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message | DoLog
        "SQL: {0}" -f $sqlText | DoLog
       "=======/ERROR in ExecSQLReader=======" | DoLog

The function works fine when there is data returned by the query.

However, the function does not return any column-related info when there is no data returned by the query.

I need to know column names / types / order etc even if there is no data rows.

I can see that the returned value is different based on resulting record count (which makes things even more complicated):

  • an empty result for 0 records
  • a [DataRow] object for a single record
  • a Collection of [DataRow] objects for more than 1 record

So, the question is: how to make sure that the returned object is always of a "System.Data.DataTable" type?

Or, at least, how to make sure that columns-related information (names, types, order) is always available in function results, regardless of the number of rows returned by the query?

Any hints?

Dan Guzman

This is a common gotcha when returning a collection from a PowerShell function. As a workaround, add a comma before the return value:


If no rows are returned by the query, the DataTable will contain the source query schema but with zero rows.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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