Does it make sense to override a method in an interface

stonar96 :

I have for example an Interface A and B. A has an (abstract) method called foo. B extends A.

It is possible to override foo in the interface B even with @Override, but is there any situation where that makes sense? There is nothing to override, because both methods have to be abstract and have no body. So I guess there is no situation where this makes sense, right?

So why is it possible to override in an interface?

M Anouti :

One situation is when you want to update the Javadoc documentation to reflect a more specific contract in the method in the subinterface, as is the case with Collection#addAll(Collection) and List#addAll(Collection):

  • Collection#addAll(Collection):

    Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this collection (optional operation)...

  • List#addAll(Collection:

    Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator (optional operation)...

A subinterface can also add a default implementation starting Java 8.

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