C++ - cin to only take one integer


This code works fine if I enter something that isn't a number in, e.g. F: it will print the error message. However, if I enter e.g. 2F2 or , it will take the 2 and pass the check, continue in my code and on the next cin >> statement it will put the F in, and then it loops back and puts the 2 in.

How do I make it so it only accepts a single number e.g. 2 and not e.g. 2F2 or 2.2?

int bet = 0;
// User input for bet 
cout << " Place your bet: ";
cin >> bet;
cout <<
// Check if the bet is a number
if (!cin.good())
    cout << endl << "Please enter a valid number" << endl;
Stan Dresden
bool Checknum(std::string line) {
bool isnum = true;
int decimalpoint = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < line.length(); ++i) {

    if (isdigit(line[i]) == false) {
        if (line[i] == '.') {
            ++decimalpoint;  // Checks if the input has a decimal point that is causing the error.

        else {
            isnum = false;
if (decimalpoint > 1) // If it has more than one decimal point.
    isnum = false;
return isnum;

If you take a string from the user, this should work. You can convert the string to an integer or a float(stoi or stof, respectively). It may not be the best solution there is, but this is what I have. Excuse the indentation.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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