Laravel Eloquent: Bind Table to another table via pivot with multiple relationships


Let me start by apologizing for the vague title, I couldn't find a proper way to formulate it.

As for the question, in this instance I want to bind users to a project with a certain role. I'm trying to do this via the following pivot table:

|id               |
|user_id          |
|projectrole_id   |
|project_id       |
|created_at       |
|updated_at       |
|deleted_at       |

The users, projects and projectroles tables are what you would expect from said tables.

The current Eloquent relationships per model are as follows:


public function users()
   return $this->belongsToMany(

public function userProjects()
    return $this->hasMany(


public function projects()
   return $this->belongsToMany(

public function projectRole($id)
    return $this->belongsToMany(


public function user()
    return $this->belongsToMany(

public function projects()
    return $this->belongsToMany(


public function projectRoles()
    return $this->belongsTo(

public function users()
    return $this->belongsTo(

public function projects()
    return $this->belongsTo(

Now if I want to retrieve all the users bound to a project and then their roles in the project I would first call $aBoundUsers = $oProject->users(); and then loop through those users to get their roles with

foreach($aBoundUsers as $oUser) {
$role = $oUser->projectRole($oProject->id); 

However, when I call $oUser->projectRole(...) I get the following error: "Call to a member function projectRole() on boolean".. After some thorough searching I found out that the only thing returned is {"withTimestamps":true}

What am I doing wrong here? I found some solutions on having pivot tables with multiple models, but none work somehow.

Jonas Staudenmeir

$oProject->users() only returns the relation, $oProject->users returns the result.

Change the parent class of your UserProjects model:

class UserProjects extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot

Then adjust your Project model:

public function users()
    return $this->belongsToMany(
        "user_id", "projectrole_id"

Then you can access your roles like this:

foreach($oProject->users as $oUser) {
    $role = $oUser->pivot->projectRoles; 

Collected from the Internet

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