How to apply filter to a cell renderer in ag grid

prabhat gundepalli

I have an ag grid in my application

I am not able to get any filtered values applied on these columns. How do we apply valueFormatter and filter params in this scenario?

In the below column, I am getting 0,1 as input and rendering them to strings using the cellrenderer option in ag-grid. as shown here in ag-grid

I have the below in my search input box

        //search box
        <input matInput placeholder="Quick Search" style="width: 250px" 

     // column definition in ag-grid
    headerName: 'Header',
    field: 'isheader',
    width: 100,
    filter: 'string',
    cellRenderer: function (params: any) {
      if (params.value === 1) {
        return 'Yes';
      } if (params.value === 0) {
        return 'No';
      return params.value;
prabhat gundepalli

Filter can be applied by adding another definition getQuickFilterText on the column as explained here

             getQuickFilterText:  function (params: any) {
      if (params.value === 1) {
        return 'Yes';
      } if (params.value === 0) {
        return 'No';
      return params.value;


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