Trying to run a function in a game loop, and then exit that function and run a separate function

Andrew Ely

I'm creating a connect four game using pygame. I created a function called playerOne that contains all the code for that player's turn. I have a second function called playerTwo that contains all the code for the second player's turn. in my game loop, i want to call the first function, have that player make a move, and then have the second player make a move. This should cycle until the game is over. The issue is that its only running one function and never moving onto the next, no matter how much I try. In the following code, I cut out most of my functions code because its just repeating itself. Thank you in advanced to anyone who looks over this code!

import pygame as pg 

#window Size, Sprites, Colors, etc.
display = pg.display.set_mode((500, 500))
white = (255, 255 , 255)
black = (0, 0, 0)
red = (255, 0, 0)
green = (0, 255, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
board = pg.image.load('board.png')
chipRed = pg.Rect(10, 10, 10, 10)
chipBlack = pg.Rect(10, 10, 10, 10)
display.blit(board, (100, 100)) # draws the blank board
playerOneOver = False # Defaults to having player one's turn be NOT over

#board in list form, so the game can later store were chips are located 
boardRowOne = ['b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b']
boardRowTwo = ['b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b']
boardRowThree = ['b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b']
boardRowFour = ['b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b']
boardRowFive = ['b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b']
boardRowSix = ['b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b']

#Player ones move
def playerOne():
    #player settings
    chipColor = red

    #display player one is up
    pg.draw.rect(display, chipColor, (230, 5, 20, 20))

    #Colum selection
    mousePressed = pg.mouse.get_pressed()
    mousePos = pg.mouse.get_pos()   
    for event in pg.event.get():
        if event.type == pg.QUIT: #Exit Out
        if columOne.collidepoint(mousePos) and mousePressed[0]: # if colum one was selected
            if 'b' in boardRowSix[0]: # if nothing is in row 6 colum one
                boardRowSix.insert(0, 'r')
                pg.draw.rect(display, chipColor, (110, 320, 20, 20))
                playerOneOver = True
            elif 'b' in boardRowFive[0]: # if nothing is in row 5 colum one
                boardRowFive.insert(0, 'r')
                pg.draw.rect(display, chipColor, (110, 280, 20, 20))
                playerOneOver = True
            #The above elif is repated for every other colum and row, but I cut it out for my post

#player two move
def playerTwo():
    #player settings
    chipColor = black

    #display player one is up
    pg.draw.rect(display, chipColor, (230, 5, 20, 20))

    #Colum selection
    mousePressed = pg.mouse.get_pressed()
    mousePos = pg.mouse.get_pos()   
    for event in pg.event.get():
        if event.type == pg.QUIT: #Exit Out
        if columOne.collidepoint(mousePos) and mousePressed[0]: # if colum one was selected
            if 'b' in boardRowSix[0]: # if nothing is in row 6 colum one
                boardRowSix.insert(0, 'B')
                pg.draw.rect(display, chipColor, (110, 320, 20, 20))
            elif 'b' in boardRowFive[0]: # if nothing is in row 5 colum one
                boardRowFive.insert(0, 'B')
                pg.draw.rect(display, chipColor, (110, 280, 20, 20))
            #The above elif is repated for every other colum and row, but I cut it out for my post

#game loop
while True:

    #Draw the colum selection
    columOne = pg.Rect(105, 70, 30, 30)
    columTwo = pg.Rect(150, 70, 30, 30)
    columThree = pg.Rect(190, 70, 30, 30)
    columFour = pg.Rect(235, 70, 30, 30)
    columFive = pg.Rect(280, 70, 30, 30)
    columSix = pg.Rect(320, 70, 30, 30)
    columSeven = pg.Rect(365, 70, 30, 30)
    pg.draw.rect(display, blue, (105, 70, 30, 30))
    pg.draw.rect(display, blue, (150, 70, 30, 30))
    pg.draw.rect(display, blue, (190, 70, 30, 30))
    pg.draw.rect(display, blue, (235, 70, 30, 30))
    pg.draw.rect(display, blue, (280, 70, 30, 30))
    pg.draw.rect(display, blue, (320, 70, 30, 30))
    pg.draw.rect(display, blue, (365, 70, 30, 30))

    if playerOneOver == False: # only run if player ones move is over
    if playerOneOver == True: # run when player ones move is over
    pg.display.flip() # updates the drawings

    #print the board list

Try printing out playerOneOver in your while loop. You'll see that it's always False.

Its a problem of scope. You are trying to update the playerOneOver variable inside of the playerOne() function, but because of scope what is actually happening is that a new playerOneOver is being created in your function, its not updating the one you define at the start.

This is desired behavior. You can read lots and lots about scope, for example here.

A more pythonic way to update a variable would be by storing the return value of a function. Consider the code below to fix your problem.

a = 'woo'

def update_bad():
    a = 'wee'

def update_good():
    return 'wee'

print 'Before bad update:',a
print 'After bad update:',a

print 'Before good update:',a
a = update_good()
print 'After good update:',a

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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