JavaScript Variable Syntax: Unexpected identifier


I have the following JavaScript variable I am using in conjunction with Google Maps API.

For some reason I am getting the error

"Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"

I believe it has to do with the 4th line in the following code snip. I do not expect this abut it seems like there is a common syntax issue with the below?

var EditForm = '<p><div class="marker-edit">'+
            '<form method="POST" name="SaveMarker" id="SaveMarker">'+
            '<label for="pType"><span>Product:</span>'+'<input type="text" id="userInput" onkeyup="iwproductFilter()" placeholder="Search for names..">'+'&nbsp;'+
            '<a onclick="document.getElementById('userInput').value = ''; iwproductFilter();" style="font-size:16px;cursor:pointer;"</a>'+'&#10006'+
            '<ul id="myUL">'+'<li id="1a"><a>Adele</a></li>'+'<li id="1b"><a>Agnes</a></li>'+'<li id="1c"><a>Billy</a></li>'+
            '<li id="1d"><a>Bob</a></li>'+'<li id="1e"><a>Calvin</a></li>'+'<li id="1f"><a>Christina</a></li>'+'<li id="1g"><a>Cindy</a></li>'+'<li id="1h"><a>Doug</a></li></ul>'+
            '<select name="pType" class="save-type"><option value="restaurant">Rastaurant</option><option value="bar">Bar</option>'+
            '<option value="house">House</option></select></label>'+
            '<label for="pUserName"><span>Place Name :</span><input type="text" name="pUserName" class="save-name" placeholder="Enter Title" maxlength="40" /></label>'+
            '<label for="pDesc"><span>Description :</span><textarea name="pDesc" class="save-desc" placeholder="Enter Address" maxlength="150"></textarea></label>'+
            '</div></p><button name="save-marker" class="save-marker">Add Product</button>';

Your quotes ' in document.getElementById('userInput').value = '' aren't escaped.

Change it to document.getElementById(\'userInput\').value = \'\' and it'll work

Collected from the Internet

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