Using map on a Dictionary in Swift 2, to return a Dictionary


I'm having trouble figuring out Swift 2's particular style of map:

I'm reading in a dictionary (from a plist file), so I've got an [String: AnyObject]:

let dictionary = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path) as? [String: AnyObject] 

My goal is to transform from a dictionary of Strings into a dictionary of logger instances. This would be [String: XCGLogger]:

let loggers = dictionary
    .map { (n, l) in [ n: newLogger(l.0, withLevel: level(l.1)) ] }

However, this is returning an [[String: XCGLogger]] (which looks like an array of dictionaries to me). The question is how do I return a flattened dictionary. When I try to use flatMap I start running in circles around errors about closures or not being able to call flatMap on a type (Key, Value) -> NSDictionary.


The reason is that map can return only arrays, and not dictionaries. To obtain a dictionary you have several strategies, for instance:

var loggers : [String: XCGLogger] = [:]{(n, l) in loggers[n] = newLogger(l.0, withLevel: level(l.1))}

or perhaps:

var loggers : [String: XCGLogger] = [:]
for (n, l) in dictionary {
  loggers[n] = newLogger(l.0, withLevel: level(l.1))


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