What's the semantical difference between the two statements?

Zaid Khan

I have two (pretty useless) interfaces with test1 extending test

interface test
    int a = 8;
    void show();

interface test1 extends test
    int a = 4;
    void show();

I have a class MyClass (again a bit useless) implementing the test1 interface

public class MyClass implements test1
    public void show()
       System.out.println(((test)this).a);    // 1
       System.out.println(test.a);            // 2
    public static void main(String ar[])
        new MyClass().show();

Out of the code I've provided, I'm interested in knowing what is the semantical difference(if any) between the two statements ordered as 1. and 2. respectively; Because result wise, correct me if I'm wrong they're pretty much the same.

Andrew Tobilko

There is no difference. But it's not a good practice to refer to static members through an instance reference.

Casting this to a parent to access its static field is really misleading.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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