How to assign value to a property under an initialized parent property in javascript?


Say I have an object as below,

var ob = {}

Now I want to assign value to it as following

ob = {
  data: {
    id: '123456'

I tried = '123456', it prompts me that

TypeError: Cannot set property 'id' of undefined

Unless I make it this way = {} = '123456'

I'm wondering if there a easier/elegant way to achieve the same goal here? Much appreciated.

var ob = {}; = '123456';

The above code gives an error because, you have initialized the variable ob as an object but in the next line, you are trying to add a property id to Here is not yet defined (undefined).

var ob = {}; = {}; = '123456';

This code works because, first you have initialized the variable ob as an object and then you have added a property data to it which is also an object and then finally adding the id property to the object.

As pointed out in the comment by @Lewis, you can combine the last two statements to a single statement as shown below.

var ob = {}; = {id: '123456'};

This would give the same result.

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