Running multiple Appium sessions in a single test

Tiago Mateus

I am automating some tests on real devices using Appium and Cucumber and at the moment I am trying to run 2 Appium sessions a single test, something like:

  • Create an instance of the Driver
  • Do some tasks
  • Quit the driver
  • Create a new instance of the Driver with different capabilities
  • Do some tasks
  • Quit the driver

I am wondering what would be the correct way to implement this in Ruby.

Anyone with experience have any tips/advice or some code examples? Or simply redirect me to some good documentation or code.

  1. If you want them to run at the same time you will need to create X "node appium" executions with different ports...


node appium -p 4723 -bp 4724 -U "Device1_identifier"
node appium -p 4725 -bp 4726 -U "Device2_identifier"

And after that you will have to create two drivers

Java code

DesiredCapabilities capabilities1 = new DesiredCapabilities();
driver= new AndroidDriver<WebElement>(new URL(""), capabilities1);

DesiredCapabilities capabilities2 = new DesiredCapabilities();
driver2= new AndroidDriver<WebElement>(new URL(""), capabilities2);
  1. You could create just one appium server with this argument to override sessions:


node appium --session-override

And then create a second driver with another capabilities after the you finished with first one...

Java code

DesiredCapabilities capabilities1 = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities1.setCapability("udid", "Device1_identifier"); //Not necessary if execution is at the same device
driver= new AndroidDriver<WebElement>(new URL(""), capabilities1);

DesiredCapabilities capabilities2 = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities2.setCapability("udid", "Device2_identifier"); //Not necessary if execution is at the same device
driver= new AndroidDriver<WebElement>(new URL(""), capabilities2); //This will override your first Appium driver

Collected from the Internet

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